Web-doc Meetings

Date & Time: 
Fri, 04/04/2014 - 11:00 to Sat, 05/04/2014 - 19:30

For the third time the Millenium Festival organizes the Millenium Web-doc Meetings.

They are international meetings in honor of the web-documentary with the greatest experts in the subject. You'll get the chance to assist to severall classes, conferences, debates, contest and meet a lot of people coming from differents sectors. 

Once again this year, we will be honored to have this event sponsored by David Dufresne, author of the web-documentary Fort Mc Money. Cédric Mal and Nicolas Bole of the Blog Documentaire
will also be there. Have a look at the program we have compiled in collaboration with the Blog Documentaire on the  web-doc meetings website.

Recent events

For the opening of the sixth edition of the Millenium Festival, the audience is invited to a gala evening

10 years 11 months ago

We have prepared for you two special nights focussed on the East countries or as we hear sometimes, the other Europe.

10 years 11 months ago