Sonia Soberats is a sixty-six-year-old Venezuelan woman who lives by herself in a modest apartment in New York City. The pain caused by the death of both her sons resulted in her total loss of vision. She takes care of everything she needs. Today she is a blind photographer. Through different stages of Sonia’s life and work we will see how two apparently contrary concepts coexist in harmony: a whole new tendency in photography bringing together this expressive art and sight deficiencies.
Born in Venezuale, Wanadi Siso studied cinema at the Broadcasting School of the Los Andes University. His latest documentaries and animation works had been broadcast on the National Television of Broadcasting. The Labyrinth of Possibility is his first long feature film.
Twice a year in Cambodia, the Tonle Sap River changes its course, while the life of the Cambodia |
In The Ghost of Piramida, the director Andreas Koefoed follows Efterklang in a 9-day audio trave |
The Land Between offers an intimate insight into the lives of Sub-Saharan African migrants livin |