Movies during the whole year

Sunday 10th November, the 14th "Pannenkoekennamiddag" will take place the screening of Canning Paradise at 15:30.

Discover the awarded films of the 2013 Millenium festival.

This second week-end of the festival is devoted to filmmakers because they make the festival alive through their films.

There are free tickets available for the panorama 'Tribute to the Maysles Brothers'

For its 5th edition, the Millenium Festival internationalize itself even more. Our goal is to use the energy generated by the two weeks of the festival to promote the Millenium development Goals and documentary cinema during the year.

In order to achieve that, an ambitious "off" program, which we organize with partners in Belgium, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and soon several other countries, has been launched. Thanks to these events, the films and topics brought at the festival can live further and reach persons who don't have the opportunity to come to the screenings and events during the festival.


For a Festival dedicated to the MDGs, it is a very important step to be able to reach audience from different countries with their particular sensitivities and create a common dynamic toward a better future.


The next events will be:

The Millenium Festival in Czech Republic.

A selection of films from the festival will be presented to the Czech audience in Prague from the 23th to 26th April 2013 and in Morava from the 30th September to the 4th October 2013


Photography and Architecture

From April to September 2013, a specific panorama will take place in CIVA about the role of photography in architecture and how it shows the evolution of the concepts of life.