Free tickets: Maysles Brothers

Discover the prize list of the 6th edition of the Millenium Festival which closed this Friday, April 11th.

Did you miss some movies? Come and enjoy our special day reserved to the awarded documentaries.

The documentary follows the meeting of two european reggae singers and their love for Jamaica. Saturday at 8pm at CIVA

To open the programme in pdf, click here

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There are free tickets available for the panorama 'Tribute to the Maysles Brothers' in limited amounts. We are happy to offer them to our audience for enjoying these absolute masterpieces of documentary cinema. They are available for the following films.



mar 04.6 19h30 × Flagey

Short movies

mer 05.6 19h30 × Flagey

What's happening! The Beatles in USA

ven 07.6 22h × Flagey


sam 08.6 15h30 × Flagey

Grey Gardens

sam 08.6 20h × Flagey


Bookings are welcomed by email ( mentioning your name and the title of the film) on  until all the available places are booked