More than 500 films sent!

Discover the movie of tonight, 7.30pm at Espace Senghor

Discover the movie tonight at CIVA at 8.15pm!

The opening night was successful with the screening of the exciting movie As

The festival wants to give the opportunity for the young people to discover documentary cinema, debate and develop their critical mind.

We thank you all for the interesting films you sent to us! The 500 films we received from independent and committed directors motivate us to work with event greater energy to prepare the best festival possible and keep on promoting the Millenium development goals through documentary cinema.

Films came from all around the world from Bangladesh to South America through sub-saharan Africa and Europe.


We were particularly delighted to discover movies from new regions and places, which will give this 5th festival its own personality. The film selection will be disclosed in the beginning of April when the program will start to unfold.

See you soon at the Millenium Festival! !