Young Vision Competition

Hana, 18, is overwhelmed by the Arab spring of 2011 in which she wants to take part. Her political involvement shows the complexity of a changing Egyptian society.

Date & Time: 
05/04/2014 - 11:00

The festival wants to give the opportunity for the young people to discover documentary cinema, debate and develop their critical mind.

Hana, 18, is overwhelmed by the Arab spring of 2011 in which she wants to take part. Her political involvement shows the complexity of a changing Egyptian society.

Date & Time: 
07/04/2014 - 16:30

China is the first country in the world to classify internet addiction as a clinical disorder.

On February 11th 2011, after 18 days of protests, Hosni Mubarak stepped down as president of Egypt and handed power to the army.

At a children's camp in Egypt, Summer 2011, rebellion is in the air.

Amradillo describes the growing cynicism and the adrenaline addiction among young soldiers at war.