Web-doc Meetings

Date & Time: 
Fri, 04/04/2014 - 11:00 to Sat, 05/04/2014 - 19:30

For the third time the Millenium Festival organizes the Millenium Web-doc Meetings.

They are international meetings in honor of the web-documentary with the greatest experts in the subject. You'll get the chance to assist to severall classes, conferences, debates, contest and meet a lot of people coming from differents sectors. 

Once again this year, we will be honored to have this event sponsored by David Dufresne, author of the web-documentary Fort Mc Money. Cédric Mal and Nicolas Bole of the Blog Documentaire
will also be there. Have a look at the program we have compiled in collaboration with the Blog Documentaire on the  web-doc meetings website.

Recent events

The closing ceremony at Flagey will end the 10-days festival in style with the prizegiving ceremony, the winning film and a farewell drink.

10 years 10 months ago

After the screening of the documentary Karsu, Karsu Dönmez, the signer and song-writer presented in the film will give us the honnor of an exclusive concert.

10 years 10 months ago

A special CNCD 11.11.11 event will take place on Wednesday, the 9th April with the films "Avec le Vent" and "Le chant de la fleur" and a presentation of the book "Mondialisation: qui gagne et qui perd".

10 years 11 months ago

After the screening of the film "Armadillo" at PointCulture à l'ULB, a debate will be organized around the ethical issues of the movie.

10 years 11 months ago