s year , the Millennium Festival organizes the Young Jury . Three days during which young people aged between 15-25 years , are the only judges for a selection of films out of the ordinary .
You are passionate about movies?
Enjoy a unique experience , meet professional filmmakers , participate in discussions and especially come and offer the Young Vision Award to a documentary filmmaker!
Be involved in the election of one of the 5 prizes to be awarded , participate in the Young Jury . The jury will be made up of 30 young people from the four corners of Europe.
Supported by :

To participate to the Young Jury register below!
The requirements ?
- Be available three days: April 5th, 6th and 7th 2014.
- Your mission is to watch every film of the Young Vision Competition (see program schedule) and give your opinion by voting from 1 to 10 for each movie.
How to vote?
- You must consider the originality of the approach of the director , the importance of the subject and the artistic qualities of the film.
- Briefing sessions will be given by professional filmmakers during the three days of competition. The practical arrangements will be given in due course.
By becoming a member of the Young Jury , we offer access to:
- Every screening scheduled during the Young Jury Competition documentary followed by discussions with the directors.
- The opening and closing nights, including the awards ceremony during which you will be invited on stage ( additional invitations for the evening on request).
- A Festival Pass for you and a loved one.
The subscriptions are now closed