Millenium award in Sofia

Discover the prize list of the 6th edition of the Millenium Festival which closed this Friday, April 11th.

Did you miss some movies? Come and enjoy our special day reserved to the awarded documentaries.

The documentary follows the meeting of two european reggae singers and their love for Jamaica. Saturday at 8pm at CIVA

To open the programme in pdf, click here

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The Sofia International Film Festival invited the Zlatina Rousseva and Lubomir Gueorguiev to patronize the competion for documentary films. They also participated at the press conference of the festival where they answered questions by journalists and persons from the audience on the MDGs and documentary cinema.
For this occasion, a special Millenium award was offered by the Millenium festival to the best documentary.


The machine which makes everything disappear

by Tiniatin Gurchiani, 97', Georgia/Germany