Millennium Goals



At the dawn of the new millennium, the nations of the entire world adopted 8 ambitious goals, which refect great ideals of humanity to be reached until 2015. 


Behind these goals lay the personal fates of people with their own history and feelings. The telling of these stories by documentary film makers draws another more human portrait of the MDGS. 

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Reduce by half the number of people living with less than 1 dollar by day and those suffering from hunger. Beyond that, the goal is to promote a decent and productive occupation for everyone.


Achieve universal primary education

This goal aims that the children from the entire world, boys and girls could access primary education by 2015. 


Promote gender equality and empower women

Eliminate the disparity between sexes at all levels including primary and secondary school. 



Reduce child mortality

The child mortality in the world has largely diminished in the beginning of the 21st century but progresses are still to be made in some regions. 


Improve maternal health

Decrease by three-quarter maternal mortality and ensure universal access to reproductive health. 


Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Make the treatments against HIV/AIDS and more generally hold back pandemic diseases by the promotion of treatments and prevention.


Ensure environmental sustainability

Integrate the principles of sustainabIe development in regional and international policies, hold back the reduction of biodiversity and ensure to all humans the access to drinkable water.


Build a global partnership for development

In addition to the development aid, answer to the needs of developing countries by rescheduling their debt, by creating a fairer commercial environment and by making them benefit from the rise of the new technologies.