The point of no return has been reached. They have been suffering . They think they are victims of a medical error and bring the doctors, who vigorously defend themselves, to justice. How both sides are living the procedure? What is the meaning of justice for them? What is the willpower that pushes them to hold on at all cost? Parties Civiles follows the lawyers and their clients who are involved in medical law cases.
The film director, producer and the whole team will be at the screening! You will get the chance to meet them during the drink planned after the projection!
The closing ceremony at Flagey will end the 10-days festival in style with the prizegiving ceremony, the winning film and a farewell drink. 10 years 10 months ago |
After the screening of the documentary Karsu, Karsu Dönmez, the signer and song-writer presented in the film will give us the honnor of an exclusive concert. 10 years 10 months ago |
A special CNCD 11.11.11 event will take place on Wednesday, the 9th April with the films "Avec le Vent" and "Le chant de la fleur" and a presentation of the book "Mondialisation: qui gagne et qui perd". 10 years 11 months ago |
After the screening of the film "Armadillo" at PointCulture à l'ULB, a debate will be organized around the ethical issues of the movie. 10 years 11 months ago |