The War Campaign

Each month, the Millenium Collection presents a documentary and a reportage which are broadcast on La Trois (RTBF).

The Millenium Collection of december will present The Road to Silverstone. Don't miss it, it's on Thursday December the 12th.

This Friday November the 22nd, the Millenium Collection will present the documentary Le goût du sel.

Sunday 10th November, the 14th "Pannenkoekennamiddag" will take place the screening of Canning Paradise at 15:30.

In many countries, the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 has since been declared illegal. Boris Bertram dissects the process, suggesting how future campaigns may be organized in order to sell wars to the public and obliterates our belief in political integrity in his coverage of the prelude to the war in Iraq and the political game that drove it. Through TV archive materials and interviews with key figures, we are taken where stories are invented and history is written.

More information, click here.
