International Competition

Discover the documentaries chosen for the World's Workers Competition that will be judged by the CSC jury.

You want to live an original experience? To enter the world of an international documentary film festival, participate to debates, meet filmmakers.

The call for proposals is launched!

Have you always dreamed of creating your own web-documentary? Join the call for projects of web-doc meetings!

You are passionate about movies? You have between 15 and 25 years ? Come participate April 5th, 6th and 7th 2014 at the Young Jury!

The best documentary films will be presented in International Competition, with special focus on the Objectif d’Or for best documentary. A special attention is cast on the originality of the filmmakers’ cinematographic language, without neglecting the importance of their commitment and the authenticity of their approach. The International Competition is also the occasion to show that the documentary genre is in constant evolution. Click here to discover the documentaries chosen for this competition.

Two types of jurys will judge the movies:


The jury of the Audience is an initiative wich continues to develop and improve. The members of this jury, coming from the audience, view all the movies in the international Competition and actively participate in the debates. They award the Public Award to the film they felt the most original and innovative. Active participants of the festival, they bring a new energy and original ideas. Their opinion is also invaluable for the filmmakers who can evaluate the perception of their work.

The documentaries will also be judged by proffessionals : Marc Soosaar, Nenad Puhovski, Miel van Hoogenbemt, Antonio Vigilante and Pascale Obolo. To discover those personnalities, click here.