Cycle « Photography and architecture »

For the first time in Belgium a retrospective devoted to the Maysles Brothers, David and Albert who draw the paint the other side of the American Dream.

This edition will display a retrospective of the films of Leonard Retel Helm

Bangladesh? The name evokes catastrophes and a turbulent history more than cinematography.

The 2013 selection is done! For the first time, more than 100 movies will be screened at the festival.


Today, for the first time of the history of humanity, the larger part of the world population lives in the cities, abandoning more and more the rural areas. This change with the lifestyle of our ancestors challenges us. Hence, we suggest a cycle of documentaries, which explore the architecture and the city through the vision of photographers. A film review of the most significant architects of our time, with a special focus on Le Corbusier.


Program of the cycle of documentary films « Photography and architecture »: 


26.04 – 19:30

Chandigarh, seen by Lucien Herve

Jérôme Bertrand, 2013 (The Netherlands) 25' – OV st en


Lucien Hervé, a filmmaker in spite of himself

Gerrit Messiaen, 2012 (Belgium) 55’ - OV st en/nl


27.04 – 19:30

Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman

Eric Bricker, 2008 (USA) 83’ - OV english


30.04 – 19:30

Edward Burtynsky's: Manufactured landscapes

Jennifer Baichwal, 2006 (Canada) 90’ - VO st en


19.09 – 19:30

Le Cabanon by Le Corbusier

Rax Rinnekangas, 2010 (Finland) 60’ - VO st en


20.09 – 19:30

New york and Paris: The world of Abbott and Atget

Jon Lomas et John Wabe, 2008 (UK) 53’ - VO english