Call for projects of MWM

This edition will display a retrospective of the films of Leonard Retel Helm

Bangladesh? The name evokes catastrophes and a turbulent history more than cinematography.

The 2013 selection is done! For the first time, more than 100 movies will be screened at the festival.

Bulgarian traditional dances will open the the 2013 Millenium Festival.

The call for proposals is launched!


Have you always dreamed of creating your own web-documentary? Join the call for projects of web-doc meetings!


If you are selected among the two or three best projects, you'll defend your idea to a panel of experts and receive their recommendations for its making. The winner will win a customized accompanying by experts, a launch of its web-doc on the website of the daily Le Soir and a highlighting by the KissKissBankBank platform support.


The deadline for the receipt of projects is March 21st 2014, projects have to be sent to the address For more information on the Web-doc Meetings and the call for projects, click here.


Good luck!
