Award-winners of the 2013 Festival

The registration of films for the 6th edition of the Millennium Festival is now closed.

Each month, the Millenium Collection presents a documentary and a reportage which are broadcast on La Trois (RTBF).

The Millenium Collection of december will present The Road to Silverstone. Don't miss it, it's on Thursday December the 12th.

This Friday November the 22nd, the Millenium Collection will present the documentary Le goût du sel.


Objectif d'Or

Grand Award of the festival

A World Not Ours                 

Mahdi Fleifel               


Objectif d'Argent

Best message for development awarded by UNDP

awarded by UNDP

The Road to Silverstone       

Johan Eriksson       


Human Rights Awrd

Best message for Human Rights

— To know and understand the other awared by OHCHR


Silvina Landsman                        


Special Mention of the Jury

The Reluctant Revolutionary

Sean McAllister


Special Award of the Jury

Most original film

Le Capitaine et son pirate     

 Andy Wolf


Audience Award

A World Not Ours                 

Mahdi Fleifel


Europeans Award

Patronized by the European Parliament

The New World                     

Jan Tootsen


Young Audience Award

Dolphin Boy                         

Yonathan Nir


La Trois Award

Broadcasting on RTBF TV channel

The Reluctant Revolutionary

Sean McAllister


Best Pitching Award

Emergency Exit - Lieven Corthouts


Le Soir Award

Broadcasting of the winning web-doc on the website of Le Soir 

Emergency Exit - Lieven Corthouts


