Leonard Retel's trilogy

Sunday 10th November, the 14th "Pannenkoekennamiddag" will take place the screening of Canning Paradise at 15:30.

Discover the awarded films of the 2013 Millenium festival.

This second week-end of the festival is devoted to filmmakers because they make the festival alive through their films.

There are free tickets available for the panorama 'Tribute to the Maysles Brothers'

This edition will display a retrospective of the films of Leonard Retel Helmrich. This atypical filmmaker pushed the independence of directing towards its last entrenchments. He developed devices that enable him to shoot and record the sound all by himself while preserving a very high quality.


Filmed over the course of 12 years, director Leonard Retel's trilogy The Eye of the Day, Shape of the Moon and Position among the Stars, portrays an ordinary family from the slums of Jakarta over three generations. In this unique cinematic approach, Retel invites us into the world of the Sjamsuddin family, which is in itself a revealing microcosm of the contemporary issues the country faces: corruption, religious conflicts, gambling addiction, the generation gap as well as the growing gap between rich and poor. These very vivid films show that in spite of poverty, obstacles and dissensions, most people can survive in Indonesia. Following the tradition of cinéma-vérité, Helmrich offers a visual feast with this family saga, as he captures the suffering of daily life in Indonesia.


The films :


Leonard Retel Helmrich. 94’. The Netherlands. 2001

dim 02.6 20h00 × Vendôme Salle 3 



Shape of The Moon

Leonard Retel Helmrich. 92’. The Netherlands. 2004

lun 03.6 20h30 × Vendôme Salle 5 

Position Among the stars

Leonard Retel Helmrich. 115’. The Netherlands. 2010

mar 04.6 20h30 × CIVA